Energy & Infrastructure Chance of Turkey
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Pulished on Apr. 23, 2021
At this moment, today we are talking about Turkey’s energy development and gaps, grid reforms and opportunities, and infrastructure needs. Application of Electronic Devices in Intelligent Irrigation System
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Pulished on Apr. 16, 2021
The water utilization rate is only 45%, while countries with high water resource utilization rates have reached 70% to 80%. Therefore, solving the problem of agricultural irrigation water is very important to alleviate the shortage of water resources. The intelligent irrigation system came into being under this background. The New Energy Market of Ukraine
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Pulished on Apr. 15, 2021
Last year’s PU Expo 2020 was the only professional electric vehicle and hybrid electric vehicle and electric two-wheeled exhibition in Ukraine which can provide exhibitors with a platform to showcase the latest products and technologies, and provide visitors with various types of electric vehicles. E-Mobility & E-Components
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Pulished on Apr. 14, 2021
e-mobility is an abbreviation of electromobility and is a general term used to describe the principles and concepts of utilising electric powered technologies. E-mobility moves away from existing carbon-emitting fossil fuels to using energy from electrical power sources (e.g. the National Grid) through external charging capability. Fast charging and slow charging of the EV charger
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Pulished on Apr. 12, 2021
In April 1881, on a street in Paris, France, an unprecedented experiment was being meticulously prepared, attracting many people to stop and watch. The inventor Gustave Provvé is nervously debugging his masterpiece: an electric car with a power supply. Soon afterwards, he made corrections to the electric car.