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  • ZD1B9001 Three Phase Electricity Measurement 220V Lora 915MH Smart Power Sensor with Split Core CT
  • ZD1B9001 Three Phase Electricity Measurement 220V Lora 915MH Smart Power Sensor with Split Core CT
  • ZD1B9001 Three Phase Electricity Measurement 220V Lora 915MH Smart Power Sensor with Split Core CT

ZD1B9001 Three Phase Electricity Measurement 220V Lora 915MH Smart Power Sensor with Split Core CT

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Product parameters

Product Introduction

ZD1B9001 is a three phase smart sensor which can be used to connect one or more split core cts (max: four) for the measurement and measurement of three-phase electricity, with high accuracy, stable performance, small size, fully sealed, suitable for outdoor installation, convenient installation, with LoRa communication function of self-organizing network, mainly used for energy management and monitoring, outdoor installation etc., through the axis module to communicate, read, set and control the information and status of the equipment. 

Function Description

Networking wireless module and antenna with LoRa

Three-phase energy measurement, each phase voltage, current (L1, L2, L3 and N), kW, total kWh, total kVarh, total THD (total harmonic distortion), power factor (PF), frequency (F)

Fully sealed, lightning strike 4kV, wire length 40-50mm and insulated, suitable for outdoor installation

With RTC function, time-related functions such as tariffs can be expanded

With IR communication, parameters can be configured through IR

Record various data every 5 minutes 24 hours a day

It can work even if the two-phase power is cut off

Loramesh Lora Point to point P2P Smart Sensor

Product Parameters

  • Voltage: 3*220V

  • Current: 10(300)A

  • Dielectric withstand voltage: AC 4000V

  • Accuracy class: ±1%

  • Impulse constant: 800imp/kWh

  • Rated frequency: 50Hz

  • Communication LoRa: 915MHm,500mW

